Principal Investments

The Principal Investment arm at KCP is the main avenue for financing Local Content initiatives across Africa. The company invests its own funds in businesses that meet its criteria for investment and where it is deemed to have some expertise.  Most importantly, KCP invests in people.

In terms of investment philosophy, the main areas of focus are:

Resources: The company aims to push financing towards businesses that are looking to adopt ESG principles and meet MDGs. Within this sub-sector, climate and environmental concerns are key pillars driving our investments.

SMEs: KCP realizes that Africa has enormous potential in terms of its unemployed but educated youth and as such, looks to support businesses that create jobs amongst the youth and accelerate enterprise growth across the continent.

Healthcare: KCP has identified the lack of affordable healthcare as a main obstacle to development across Africa. KCP therefore looks to develop and invest in initiatives that aim to bring access to affordable healthcare to the majority of Africans.